Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 55: Feel It All Around by Washed Out from Life of Leisure

What a journey to finding today's track. NPR included a track from Washed Out on their recent July Sampler. I liked that track ("Eyes Be Closed") but that led me to look up the group on, to see what the most popular tracks from this artist were. says that this track is the most popular track. I liked it a lot.

According to, this artist "makes bedroom synthpop that sounds blurred and woozily evocative, like someone smeared Vaseline all over an early OMD demo tape, then stayed up all night trying to recreate what they heard." I don't know what an early OMD demo tape is. Actually, I'm not even sure what bedroom synthpop is either. I do know what Vaseline is, although I've never thought about how the application of Vaseline might alter the sound of music. Thank goodness has.

So listen to the track now.

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