Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 24: Angels or Devils by Dishwalla from Opaline

It's been an oversight for me to operate* this blog for almost a month without featuring a track from Dishwalla. Dishwalla got some major attention with their 1995 song "Counting Blue Cars" from "Pet Your Friends." Maybe because of all the lawsuits that resulted from people actually trying to pet their friends, none of Dishwalla's subsequent albums have garnered the kind of attention of "Pet Your Friends."

I think that's a shame, because their later albums have some great tracks. I've selected "Angels or Devils" from their album "Opaline." I almost picked "Nashville Skyline," but's information told me that "Angels or Devils" was far more popular, so I think there's a greater chance you, dear reader, will like it.

Here it is.

* On a completely unrelated note, I thought I'd mention that I always used to get a kick out of the fact that when Grandma used to go get her hair done, she never went to a stylist, salon, or even a beautician. No. She went to "the beauty operator." It conjured up images of a building with conveyor belts and huge industrial-looking machines working on all these women in need of a new hairdo.

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